Building a Customer Profile

Nearly every organization reaches the point when they realize they need to take a closer look at the picture they have of their customer. More often than not this happens when a marketing partner asks questions that can't be readily answered. As expounded elsewhere on our site, a truly accurate customer profile is critical to marketing growth and success. There are some key benefits and considerations behind this:

  • Your customers are made up of more than one distinct type.
  • To communicate effectively with your customers you must accurately know who they are.
  • Your creative team needs this information to drive the creative process.
  • Your customer changes with the marketplace. To continue to be successful, your business needs to anticipate and adjust to these changes.

We'll build statistically accurate customer profiles that includes detailed demographic, behavioral and attitudinal characteristics for each segment of your customer base. We'll help you understand these segments, how they affect your current and future business, and how to implement them in your marketing.

Supporting Direct Marketing Programs

Successful direct marketing efforts demand properly configured and managed database support. We provide our clients with soup-to-nuts solutions:

  • Robust integrated responder and mailing database technology
  • Continually refreshed targeting and response models
  • Response-driven mail selection algorithms
  • Data cleaning, de-duping and address standardization
  • Realistic and results-driven testing programs
  • Ongoing in-depth reporting and marketing assessment
  • Geo-mapping (graphical map products) of customer data

We provide an expert extension to your in-house marketing department. By off-loading the technically-intensive aspects of your direct programs to us your existing resources can be concentrated on the critical internal issues.

Providing Management Information

There's reporting and there's business intelligence. If your organization is typical, you are already getting more reports than you know what to do with. We won't add to that burden by generating more paper. What we will do is work with managers to determine what critical information they need that they're not already getting or getting in a meaningful and useful format. Because we develop dedicated databases we are not limited to the data formats that happen to be native to your organization. We have the flexibility to structure data in whatever ways are necessary to get at the answers your management team needs.
